Tuesday, July 28, 2015

C25K Week 1 Day 2 - No Excuses

Week 1 Day 2
Tonight after work, I put together my new weed wacker and proceeded to tackle most of the tall grass and weeds around the house and fence.

Then I wolfed down dinner and watched the new Falling Skies episode.  Once that was over, I put on my gear and hit the asphalt!

It was quite a bit warmer tonight, but I still managed to do better than I did Sunday night with Day 1!

Spine Mobility Exercise
This first video is 2 parts of my current routine.  The rolling part is what I started with for a couple of weeks.  That first day of just doing the rolling almost had me in tears.

Today, I have 2 spots that are still hot spots, but I'm able to continue working on them.

The 2nd part I've recently added into my routine are the extensions he does later in  the video.  The first few times doing this, I was hearing all sorts of popping and crunching noises coming from my back.  It was rather disturbing!  Now I just have a few crunchy areas and a pop every once in a while.

This is the open book exercise that I have recently added to my mobility routine each day, along with the extensions.

In this video, he makes it almost all the way to the floor.  I'm probably only getting to the 45 degree mark before I can go no further.  Since my doctor back in Elkhart (over 5 years ago, at least), I've know that the side to side twisting has always been my poorest mobility.  It's way past time to change that.

Looking forward to January
I'm really beginning to get excited for next January.  I want this next half marathon to be the best one that I've done so far.

The past two runs have really shown me that working on my back is the key to a more comfortable run experience.  I've experienced absolutely no back pain in these past two outings!  Tonight I really focused on my posture while running and walking.  I know that getting my shoulders back where they should be should help with my breathing.

As I approach my official start of Half Marathon training on Octorber 18th, I plan on adding more and more to my back routine and then start on my core exercises too.

So, my plan is to once again COMPLETE the entire C25K program.  I've started that so I will be done in 9 weeks, ending on September 24th.  This will give me 3 weeks in-between the end of the C25K program and the start of my Half Marathon Training.  I'm looking to see if I can find a 5K to participate in somewhere between September 26th and October 18th!

Thanks for Reading!
Regards, ~Kipp

2015 - Rebuilding from the Shoes up!

Check the link above to see my current and past races.

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